PiKoder     ... in Control of Motion...

PiKoder Android apps overview

PiKoder Bluetooth R/C

The "btRC" App turns an Android-Tablet or Smartphone with Bluetooth into an einght channel R/C transmitter.

The app is available free of charge in the Play Store.

PiKoder WLAN R/C

The "udpRC" App turns an Android smart device into a feature rich eight channel R/C transmitter. Using the device's build-in WLAN module typically provides for a control range of up to a few hundert feet.


The "udpRC" App turns an Android device into an R/C transmitter for a rover with an Ardupilot Mega (UGV).

The app extends the proven user interface of the udpRC App with the additional elements and functions needed to interface with the Ardupilot Mega in a rover such as the selection of the flight mode.

PiKoder smartphone servo tester

The "btServoTester" App and a PiKoder/SSC RX receiver turn your Android Smart Device into an R/C servo tester.

The btServoTester app is available free of charge in the Play Store.

PiKoder Joystick RC

The Joystick2PPM app will allow you in combination with a USB2PPM PiKoder, an Android device and a USB hub to use a joystick to control your models.

The Joystick2PPM App is available free of charge in the Play Store.

Joystick4UAV app

The Joystick4UAV app will allow you in combination with a USB2PPM PiKoder, an Android device and a USB hub to use a joystick to control your models.

The Joystick4UAV app is available in the Play Store.


PiKoder/SSC RX bluetooth receiver kit

PiKoder/SSC wRX wlan receiver kit

USB2PPM PiKoder kit
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